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E-learning or Internet based education, is redefining teaching and learning. It has been proven in studies that students of all ages learn better when they are actively engaged in the process. This is true, whether it’s listening to a lecture and engaging in a traditional classroom debate, or with a modern multimedia package. Old ways of teaching are just that - yesterday’s methodology. This is not to say that traditional classroom teaching is not good, but use of the internet has become widespread - both in the classroom and outside the classroom, either at home or in a common area, such as a library. Children are learning about the Internet at younger ages than ever before and computer classes are being implemented into the curriculum. The Internet offers many resources for Internet based education, including tutorial, virtual classroom, project and event-based education and correspondence courses. Degrees may be earned completely online or the Internet can be used as a supplement to more traditional ways classroom work. Also, Internet based education is often very convenient for adult students because it offers a more flexible schedule and the ability to work from home.

Continuing education and special needs learning classes also benefit from elearning. Many adults who are interested in continuing their education, whether it’s to take a few classes to improve their work skills, or to obtain a degree, can benefit from elearning. Adult students who are enrolled in school part-time due to work and/or home and children obligations will find the convenience of elearning very helpful. Special education classes use the internet to help provide programs for each student’s individualized needs. According to a 2009 U.S. Department of Education study: “Students who took all or part of their classes online performed better, on average, than those taking the same course through traditional face-to-face instruction.”


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